Our Sessions

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Our Sessions

Junior Sessions

8 - 13 Year Olds
Non-Members: £5.50
Members: £4.50

Our Junior classes normally start with a fun game to warm up. We then introduce and develop our footwork skills and bladework skills. We mainly coach Foil but always encourage trying Epee and Sabre. To finish the session, we have a few practice matches for fun. Once a term, we often hold a friendly tournament, which is great fun!

Senior Sessions

13+ Year Olds
Non-Members U18: £9.50
Members U18: £7.50

Non-Members 18+: £10.50
Members 18+: £8.50

All our senior sessions start with a warm-up, followed by an engaging footwork class. After the footwork, fencers can participate in group lessons in Foil, have individual lessons in Foil, Epee or Sabre, or have some friendly bouts on the box. Most group lessons finish by 9 pm, allowing all fencers to get some friendly bouts on or off the box before the night's end.

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